
The Second Joint Seminar of Japan and Indonesia


In November 2011, GNCT (Gifu National College of Technology; currently, National Institute of Technology, Gifu College: abbreviated as NIT, Gifu College, Japan) and ITB (Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia) concluded Academic Exchange Agreement. Since then, we, FCEE (Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering) of ITB and GNCT, have built up our mutual understanding of research and education at both organizations. Based on the understanding, FCEE of ITB and GNCT and the other two NCTs of Toyota and Numazu, Japan agreed to open a joint seminar entitled “Environmental Sustainability and Disaster Prevention” on November 21, 2013 as an extension of the International Conference SIBE 2013 hosted by FCEE, ITB for November 19 and 20, 2013. “Environmental sustainability” and “disaster prevention” are the two major issues to which mega cities in Indonesia and Japan are facing. The first joint seminar tackling these two issues attracted more than 150 participants including graduate students of ITB, and successfully elucidated problems to be solved.

This seminar is the second one to be held by getting participation of other universities of Gifu University and Toyohashi University of Technology from Japan and Padjadjaran University from Indonesia in addition to the original members of ITB and NIT, Gifu, Toyota, and Numazu Colleges. The seminar will discuss the following topics: 1) urban planning focusing on the co-benefit of air pollution abatement and reduction of greenhouse gas emission, the optimal urban traffic system, and the energy recovery from waste treatment system, 2) management of urban water problems focusing on the flooding control, the waste water treatment and water pollution control, and the protection of coastal environment, and 3) urban infrastructures resilient against seismic disaster focusing on the steel-concrete structures, the soil foundation, and the residential buildings.
