Deguchi Lab. Since 1991.4.1

Reports of Graduation Study

Deguchi Lab. opens the reports of graduation study since 1994 to the public.
See the introduction of our lab. below. (Sorry, these are written in Japanese)

Introduction of Our Lab.(in Japanese)

  1991    1994    1997
  1992    1995    1998
  1993    1996    1999

Introduction of Staffs(in Japanese)

Room of Music (in Japanese)

3D Othello Install memo(in Japanese)

Logic Puzzle Solver (pl.2)

This provide with a solution of logic puzzle.
It takes long time, if size is big(8 min. for 30 by 30. You can see the progress, over a cup of coffee or something ^^;).
At input, "form" is used, and in solution of puzzle, Java is used. So, your browser needs to run Java.

It has been able to solve Tsai Lab's problem 2.

At first, input the width and height of logic puzzle.
Width , Height ,

Electrical Engeneering
Gifu National College of Technology