1. Outline

The National Institute of Technology, Gifu College was established in April 1963 as a national five-year higher educational institution specializing in three departments: the Department of Mechanical Engineering, the Department of Electrical Engineering, and the Department of Civil Engineering. The Department of Architecture was added in 1968, followed by the Department of Electronic Control Engineering in 1988, which expanded the college to five specialized departments. Furthermore, in order to reform the curriculum in line with the progress and transformation of society, the Department of Civil Engineering was reorganized into the Department of Environmental and Urban Engineering in 1993, and the Department of Electrical Engineering was reorganized into the Department of Electrical Information Engineering in 2000. In addition, with the aim of further upgrading technical college education, a two-year course was established in 1995, allowing students to obtain bachelor's degrees. With the transition of national colleges of technology to an independent administrative institution from 2004, we set the goal to further "individualization, revitalization, and sophistication" and continue to aim for this adjective to this day. Our school mission is "to teach professionally specialized curricula, develop the abilities necessary for vocation, and develop talented people." In order for students to be able to play an active role as practical engineers in society, the five-year term of study, which combines the three years of senior high school and the first two years of university, constitutes an efficient five-year coherent education system in which a carefully selected curriculum is organized from among general education subjects similar to high schools and specialized subjects similar to universities. Each specialized subject has its own curriculum that draws on the characteristics of each subject. The curriculum itself has been updated and improved in response to changes in society and pertinent requests, and policies for accepting students are established for each subject. The content of the specialized subjects to be studied at the college is equivalent to that of university-level courses. Through various experiments and practical training that emphasize "manufacturing" education, students will be able to acquire practical abilities to widely apply and develop the theories they have learned. In addition, after completing the five-year regular course, the students learn more deeply about the curriculum related to their specialized fields in their advanced courses at our college. In conjunction with this, there is a way to pay back society with the results of their studies through academic research activities. The hallmark of our college’s curriculum is that it continuously produces practical engineers capable of meeting industry expectations by providing in-depth small-group education that emphasizes hands-on learning, such as experiments, practical training, and practical skills, from an early stage after graduation from junior high school. In addition, in recent years, in order to acquire more advanced knowledge and skills, approximately half of the graduates of the regular course have chosen to go on to advanced courses or take career paths toward transfer to university.

College Bulletin (PDF)

2. Educational Philosophy

(1) To entrust dreams to science and technology and to develop a love for humanity and community.
(2) To aim to take an active role in the world with thriving globalization.
(3) To be active at the forefront of the information society.

3. Engineers to be trained

Engineers who entrust their dreams to science and technology, who have acquired of a love of humankind with a high degree of international awareness, and who play an active role at the forefront of the information society.

4. Educational policies (Three Policies)

Diploma Policy (Basic Policy for Graduation and Completion Certification)

 Our school aims to develop the following human resources. Our school certifies graduation of students who have been enrolled for a fixed period of time, acquired the capabilities and skills listed below, acquired the specified number of credits for each department, and have passed the Graduation Research Examination to award the title of "Associate Degree (Engineering)." We also certify that the students have completed the credits stipulated by their major.

[Skills and capabilities that graduates should acquire]
(A) Ability to learn independently
(1) To be able to self-manage, to have a sense of responsibility, teamwork skills, and physical strength that is required of engineers.
(2) To have acquired future-oriented career design skills.

(B) Creative thinking
(1) To be able to understand new issues and practical problems and to plan problem-solving on a voluntary basis.
(2) To be able to carry out a plan continuously while making use of basic knowledge.

(C) International responsiveness
(1) To be able to utilize the knowledge of humanities and social sciences to grasp social and environmental issues from a global perspective.
(2) To be able to acquire communication skills in Japanese and one or more foreign languages.

(D) Specialized abilities
(1) To be able to acquire basic knowledge and abilities in specialized fields based on mathematics and natural sciences.
(2) To be able to acquire practical skills in measuring, processing, and interrogating data obtained through experimentation and practical training.

(E) Telecommunication technologies
(1) To have acquired information literacy
(2) To be able to gather, utilize, and disseminate information required in specialized fields through the use of information equipment, etc.

[Human resources to be developed in each department and major]

【Department of Mechanical Engineering】
The Department of Mechanical Engineering develops human resources who not only possesses basic academic abilities in (D) mechanical engineering to play an active role as mechanical engineers, but who also possess (A) key characteristics such as independence, diversity, and collaboration, and (B) creative thinking, (C) global communication abilities such as foreign languages, and (E) information and communications technology abilities that enable individuals to flexibly cope with sudden changes in social situations.

【Department of Electrical Information Engineering】
The Department of Electrical Information Engineering provides a balanced understanding of the basic dynamics of science and engineering, as well as the dynamics and technologies of electrical engineering, electronic engineering, and information engineering. In addition to acquiring such advanced (D)(E) specialized skills and knowledge, we develop science and technology personnel who (C) have acquired adequate social skills, (A) can independently learn, think, and solve problems, (B) and who are rich in creativity and inquisitiveness, aiming to meet the demands of society.

【Department of Electronic Control Engineering】
The Department of Electronic Control Engineering will develop human resources with (A) proactive learning ability that can challenge new technological fields as engineers by firmly acquiring (D) expertise in electrical, electronic, control, and machine-related fields, which are the basis of electronic control technology, (B) creative thinking skills that enable them to operate and construct electronic control systems, (C) the ability to respond with a global perspective and understanding of overseas culture and communicate using foreign languages in a globalizing society, specialized knowledge and technical ability in the electronic control field, and the ability to freely utilize computer and other information devices, that is, (E) information and communication technology.

【Department of Environmental and Urban Engineering】
The Department of Environmental and Urban Engineering trains practical engineers with creative thinking skills to understand the basic (D) expertise and concepts regarding the creation of a recycling-oriented city that harmonizes with nature and reduces negative environmental impacts, (C) (E)utilize information and communications technology to enhance social infrastructure development that supports the sustainable development of humankind from an international perspective, (A) actively promote ideas with independence, diversity, and collaboration, and (B) develop creative thinking skills.

【Department of Architecture】
The Department of Architecture will develop human resources who possess (D) specialized technology and (E) information and communications technology, (A) the ability to integrate the building and urban spaces with independence, diversity, and collaboration, and (C) the ability to communicate internationally and (B) creatively, with the ability to think, judge, and express themselves in order to construct spaces where human beings carry out their existence in society.

【Advanced Course of Interdisciplinary Technology Development】
The advanced course of interdisciplinary technology development will (D) work to further deepen specialized fields and develop human resources with the ability to contribute to the sustainable development of the world through (A) creative thinking and flexible (C) international response capabilities and (E) information and communications technology with (B) creative thinking and expressiveness such as independence, diversity, and collaboration, through problem-solving methods that combine mechanical engineering, electronics, information engineering, civil engineering, and architecture with an understanding of technical systems in different fields.

Curriculum Policy (Basic Policy for Formulation and Implementation of Curricula)

 In order to develop the abilities listed in the diploma policy, our school has prepared the following groups of subjects.

[Common for all departments and majors]
(A) Ability to learn independently
In order to cultivate proactive learning attitudes, we have prepared motivational courses and introductory courses for each specialized subject in the first few years. In addition, various experimental, practical, and training courses are offered for each academic year with the aim of acquiring skills such as self-management, a sense of responsibility, teamwork skills, and leadership. We also aim to become physically and mentally healthy engineers who can continue activities throughout our lives. We have prepared courses related to health and physical education and career development support programs, as well as activities in which students participate on their own initiative.
(A-1) Cultivating independence (A-2) Physical and arts education (A-3) Career design ability

(B) Creative thinking
Creative engineering experiments, practical exercises, and graduation studies as well as special studies are provided in each department and major to develop the ability to identify problems and to solve problems, from initial planning to final execution. The major also offers cross-sectional practical courses aimed at cultivating abilities in different fields.
(B-1) Creative activities (B-2) Engineering design ability

(C) International responsiveness
We have prepared general liberal arts subjects (humanities and social sciences) from lower grades that are required for global engineers. In addition, English as an internationally accepted communication tool is taught at all grade levels, and second foreign languages are offered in senior classes.
(C-1) Liberal arts (C-2) Communication skills

(D) Specialized skills
<Associate degree>
Subjects related to mathematics, the natural sciences, and the foundation of engineering required in all specialized fields are mainly taught in the lower grades, and a group of subjects such as specialized engineering, engineering experiments and practical training, and engineer ethics are arranged in a wedge-shaped format as the grade progresses. This ensures that specialized skills and practical techniques are efficiently acquired.
(D-1) Science (D-2) Basic engineering (D-3) Specialized fields (D-4) Engineering ethics

<Advanced Courses>
We have prepared a group of courses that further deepen the skills of each specialized field (mechanical engineering, electrical and electronic engineering, information engineering, civil engineering, and architecture) that have been acquired in the associate bachelor's program. We also have a set of subjects to acquire the necessary skills to develop new manufacturing through problem-solving methods that combine different fields.
(D-1) Science (D-2) Advanced interdisciplinary technology development
(D-3) Specialized fields (mechanical engineering, electrical and electronic engineering, information engineering, civil engineering, architecture)
(D-4) Engineer ethics

(E) Telecommunication technologies
Information literacy courses are offered in lower grades, and practical courses are provided to improve information processing skills and subjects using information equipment, etc.
(E-1) Information literacy (E-2) Information equipment utilization skills

Admissions Policy (Basic Policies for Selection)

 The college is firmly committed to the mission of further enhancing the original appeal of technical colleges, which differ from high schools and universities. In addition to academic and creative abilities that can flexibly respond to the rapid changes accompanying the internationalization and sophistication of Japan's industrial structure, the college aims to develop engineers with a deep sense of humanity and strong ethical standards who are also considerate of the environment. Based on this educational philosophy, the college’s admission policy is to accept students with the following abilities and motivation, based on the diploma policy. Specifically, we are seeking individuals with the following characteristics:

[Students enrolling in the regular course]
1. Those with basic academic ability
2. Those who have basic communication skills and who want to play an active role from a global perspective
3. Those who are independently engaged in study and extracurricular activities
4. Those who have a strong scientific curiosity and want to contribute to the development of people and local communities through manufacturing

[Students transferring to the fourth year]
1. Those who are trying to acquire basic academic abilities and who want to acquire further specialized knowledge
2. Those who are curious and always strive to acquire knowledge and develop their abilities
3. Those who want to contribute to society by utilizing the knowledge they have acquired
The college selects its students in accordance with the following policies.

[Basic policies for selection for the regular course]
[Selection based on recommendation]
In the selection process based on recommendation, students’ basic academic ability is assessed based on a report submitted by the head of a junior high school that reflects the candidate’s attitudes. In addition, a candidate’s engagement with independent learning, their thinking, judgment, and expressiveness are assessed in interviews conducted by our school.

[Selection by academic ability]
In the selection process based on academic ability, students deemed to have the basic academic ability necessary to receive education at our school are selected based on their performance in the examination and the written report submitted by the head of the previous school, such as the junior high school. The exam is a written exam and consists of four subjects: Japanese, mathematics, English, and science. The report also evaluates the individual's attitudes toward learning, thinking, judgment, and expressiveness.

[Special selection for returnees]
In the case of returnees, a special selection process is applied. Interviews (including oral exams [science, English, mathematics]) and reports from their previous schools will be used to make a comprehensive judgment.

[Basic policies for selection for transfer to the fourth year (to enroll in the advanced course)]
New entrants are selected based on their performance in the examination, reports submitted by the head of their previous school, and interviews.
The major course aims to teach advanced specialized knowledge and techniques related to the industry to a deeper degree, building on the basics taught by technical colleges and to instruct students in their research. Based on this educational philosophy, students are selected with reference to the following abilities and motivation based on the diploma policy. Specifically, we are seeking the following characteristics:

[Students enrolling in the advanced course]
1. Those who have an international perspective and aim to acquire the technical abilities of manufacturing that contribute to the sustainable growth of the world through the fusion of advanced technologies
2. Those who seek to acquire an integrated development ability that can bring about innovative value creation through creative methods in response to requests from industry
3. Those who have mastered basic specialized subjects in regular technical colleges and others and who have a strong desire for interdisciplinary study and research
In our advanced course, students are selected in accordance with the following policy:

[Basic policy for selection for the advanced courses]
Those with sufficient academic ability, purpose, and motivation to learn are selected for the major courses. There are three methods of selection: "selection by recommendation," "selection by academic ability (first semester and second semester)," and "special selection for professionals."

[Selection by recommendation]
In the process of selection by recommendation, the candidate’s basic academic ability is assessed based on recommendation and reports from the head of the technical college or the head of the department to which they are applying. Their attitudes to independent learning as well as the ability to think, judge, and express themselves is assessed based on the self-declaration form and the interview. Selection is made based on the comprehensive consideration of the two aspects.

[Selection by academic ability]
In the process of selection by academic ability, the candidate’s basic academic ability is assessed by the reports by the head of the school the candidate is studying at as well as an examination. Their attitudes for independent learning as well as the ability to think, judge, and express themselves are assessed by a self-declaration form. Selection is made based on comprehensive consideration of both aspects.

[Special selection for professionals]
In the process of special selection for professionals, the candidate’s basic academic ability is assessed by the report submitted by the head of the school where the candidate studied. Their attitudes toward independent learning as well as the ability to think, judge, and express themselves are assessed by recommendation from the current employer, a self-declaration form, and an interview. Selection is made based on comprehensive consideration of all aspects.

5. Educational objectives

Associate degree
(1) To develop engineers with broad perspectives who are independent, motivated, and well-educated
(2) To developing engineers with basic academic ability, creativity, application ability, and practical skills
(3) To train engineers with international communication skills and the ability to use advanced information technology
(4) To train engineers with an ethical view of engineering technology
(5) To train engineers who can contribute to society through educational and research activities

Advanced course
(1) To further deepen specialized fields of excellence and to train engineers who understand different fields and have the ability to think across multiple fields
(2) To train engineers with problem-solving abilities that can creatively investigate, plan, design, and manage the issues that society faces, and continuously analyze, implement, and improve methods to address them
(3) To train engineers with accurate Japanese language and internationally acceptable communication skills
(4) To train engineers with the ability to build programs in specialized fields using advanced information technology
(5) To develop engineers who can make ethical judgments from diverse and global perspectives, understand the social responsibilities of engineers, and contribute to the local community

6. Research policies

1. To promote the teaching staff’s specialist research as well as to communicate its outcomes widely.
2. To promote joint research projects that contribute to the sustainable development of local industry and society by liaising with industry and the government using the Techno Center.
3. To further stimulate research by providing guidance and information on acquiring competitive external funding.
4. To support research promotion and publication through the president’s discretionary budget.
5. To provide guidance on intellectual property rights to promote/support patent application.

7. Regional contributions

1. To actively engage with projects of the Gifu Association of Regional Alliances and others to promote industry-academy-government collaboration in the community and communicate their outcomes widely.
2. To enhance the program of open classes, visiting lectures, and opening up of the library in order to play a role as the educational base of manufacturing in the local community and in developing next-generation human resources.
3. To promote support for science and math education and information education for elementary school and junior high school children.
4. To contribute to the local community by taking up various roles.

8. School Logo and Emblem

 School Logo  Emblem  
   Selected from a number of designs submitted by the public, Professor Ryoichi Shibata’s (Department of Architecture) design was adopted as our official logo. The logo is used in our letterheads and envelopes. The design was created to reflect the surrounding scenic mountain landscape and expanse of sky. With the color green represents our departments and blue our advanced courses, the two colors express ever growing possibilities.    Our school emblem originates from the former imperial university emblem that embodies simplicity, steadfastness and tradition.
Within the outline of the university emblem, the characters ‘Ko Sen’ are embossed with no motif.
This emblem was designed in the hope that our graduates attain success as engineers who are as respected in character and professional knowledge as university graduates.

  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Electronic Control Engineering
  • Civil Engineering
  • Architecture
  • Advanced Course